In the far reaches of space at the Starfleet Academy, legions of young men and women train since childhood in hopes of joining the ranks of Star Force , the most elite ranger team in all the universe. Only those who've proven themselves most worthy can be bestowed the title of Ranger. Red , Blue, Green, Yellow, Pink, Black or White. What will you be?
1993- A group of high school students from Angelgrove, California battle the forces of Rita Repulsa. They became known as the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
2009- The first Newman is artificially created in a lab, he is named Adam.
2012- Earth-1 is mysteriously destroyed by a freak asteroid storm. Only a hand few of earthlings along with Adam survive and make voyage to space.
2015- Humans make contact with intelligent lifeforms from other planetary systems.
2020- Humans are accepted into the Galaxy Federation and recognized as an endangered species.
2025- The S.P.D. Academy is established by Anubis Cruger, a Sirian, to protect humans and other threatened species.
2030- Sirians agree to open their homeworld Sirius to the displaced earthling refuges.
2100-.The Starfleet Academy is established.
2129- Michael Ryder becomes the first human president of Sirius.
2135-Robots and Androids wreak havoc in the city of Neo New York. Many are killed including the President. Martial Law is implemented and Robot rights take a back seat.
2139- Izanagi Kuchinada comes into office as Sirius's second human president.
2143- Imperial President Kuchinada declares interplanetary war on Lord Orochi, leader of the Nighlok's.
2150-Present Day
Earth 2
Sirus, Earth-2 or Neo Earth as it commonly referred to is the home world modeled after Earth-1 after it's untimely demise in the year 2012. Settled by Humans,Newmans, Robots and Sirians. Earth 2 was established in the year 2030. Much like the original earth, it has arable soil, fresh breathable air , sustainable resources and a relatively stable gravitational pull making it a perfect choice for colonization purposes.
Red Ranger
The Red Ranger is a designation given to one of the main characters in every season of Power Rangers. The Red Ranger is usually the leader of the team, although there have been times where rangers of other colors have been leaders. In recent times, Red Rangers have also been given the role of hot-headed rookie. Red rangers are associated with power, courage, passion, blood and idealism.
Element: Fire
Unique Ability: Self-Replication x 3
Notes: Male or Female.
Status: Open

Yellow Rangers is a designation given to one character in all seasons of the Power Rangers. The Yellow Ranger is usually portrayed as energetic, agile and athletic. Yellow rangers tend to fight with daggers, small swords, nun-chaku and even some have used hammers. Of all the rangers they are perhaps the lightest on their feet, making them naturally the most suited for scouting, assassinations and other ninja type jobs. Sometimes deceptive and unpredictable . Yellow is the color of sunshine. It's associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy.
Element: Lightning
Unique Ability: Invisibility
Status: Open
Notes: Unisex Role

Pink Ranger is a designation given to one member in most Power Rangers teams. Pink Rangers typically represent intimacy, sexuality, love, health, fairies, beauty, cuteness, and glamor. And all the Pink Rangers have in some way represented those aspects.
Element: Heart
Unique Ability: Telepathy/Hypnotism
Notes: Unisex, possibly Pansexual or Bi-sexual.
Status: Open
White Ranger
The White Ranger is a designation given to several Power Rangers. White Rangers tend to be loners and sixth rangers. White rangers typically possess well rounded skill sets similar to a red ranger yet lack the leadership qualities of reds, the tend not to do well working under the instructions of others so they often opt to work alone or assist the group in their own way, but don't give them an order. White rangers typically respresent bravery, purity, nobility, independence, softness and knowledge.
Element: Light
Unique Ability: Ability Copy
Status: Open
Notes: Unisex

The Black Ranger is a designation given to several Power Rangers characters. Black rangers can be thought of a sort of rogue ranger similar to the white ranger. Someone who's forsaken the ideals of the Star Force to pursue their own interests. Black rangers originally start as one of the 6 primary colors , but for whatever reason become black rangers when they sever ties to the Star Force. A Black Ranger isn't always necessarily evil however. Some are undercover, whereas others are fugitives, traitors or mercenaries. It's a rather complex matter. Black rangers are associated with secrecy, power, mystery, death and mourning.
Element: Dark
Unique Ability: Ability Negation and Nullification
Status: Open
Notes: Unisex

Humans-You know people.
Newmans-A race resulting from human efforts to create a new, superior breed of human. Genetically enhanced human beings or clones.
Sirians- A race of bi-pedal people resembling animals in appearance and are the native inhabitants of Earth-2. They are known for their spirituality and good hospitable natures.
Robots & Androids- The predominant race of Earth-2. We're familiar with these.
Endless Race-They are a group of ageless being which many refer to as Gods, as they seem to be immortal and are peerless in their mastery of magic.
Gear & Zords
Zord development has come a long way from the days of mighty morphin era. Rangers still use Zords however Zords have also become popular with civilans and non-rangers alike. Which has lead to some interesting redesigns . Just about everyone owns a zord for personal use. They are kinda like the pokemon of Earth 2 if they were robots, you gotta catch em all.
The power morpher is perhaps the most important tool in a rangers arseanal. Without it they cannot access their powered forms. The Power Rangers use their morphers to change into their costumed forms, initiating an instantaneous transformation or metamorphosis. A Morpher gives a Ranger access to their costume along with enhanced strength, speed and durability to fight monsters.
Before a student prospect can be allowed to practice on a team , they must first have their skills evaluated by a peer group in the form of an aptitude test, the results of the test determines their placement on the Star Force as well as their color, they are issued grades based on their proficiencies. Grades range from D, C, B, A, and S. S represents the highest talent, D the lowest. + and - are considered.
Red: Team Leaders/ Commander class
Blue: Second-in Command/ Team Tacticians
Yellow: Stealth/ Combat Experts/Ninja class
Green: Combat Experts/Warrior class
Pink: Combat Medics/Priest class
Black: Rogue Rangers/ Rogue class
White: Lone Wolf/ Jack-of-All Trades
Weapon Ability:
Elemental Force:

Fusion is the ability for more than one ranger to synchronize themselves into one complete being, the process of merging two separate beings into one, combining their attributes, from strength and speed to reflexes, intelligence and wisdom. When properly fused, the single being created has an astounding level of power, far beyond what either fusees would have had individually.
Character Sheet
- Code: Select all
Romantic Interests:
Appearance: (realistic picture and or description goes here)
Why did you join the Academy?
Which ranger do you see yourself as?
(D,C,B,A,S, +, -)
Weapon Ability:
Elemental Force:
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